
BlueNav Whale Design embodies the sophistication of nature’s influence

BlueNav Whale Design embodies the sophistication of nature’s influence

Propulsion hybride BlueSpin de BlueNav pour moteurs thermiques de bateaux

Inspired by the graceful dynamics of whales, our hydrodynamics engineers created a harmonious blend of biomimicry and sustainable innovation. It symbolizes our commitment to progress, sustainability, and a future where innovation is inspired by the wonders of the natural world.

We are proud to introduce the Whale Design, a testament to our dedication to progress and sustainable engineering. Our mission has always been to push the boundaries of what is possible, and with this innovative design, we are one step closer to achieving that goal.

Hervé FROUIN, co-founder and CTO of BlueNav

Enhanced performances

Biomimetics is always a source of inspiration for humans. While nature follows an incremental and random bias for its evolution, humans can mimic designs that have been shown to be more efficient and quieter, even if, sometimes, they defy traditional engineering theories.

Our engineers found inspiration in the wonders of nature, particularly the unique features of humpback whale fins to improve our BlueSpin motors. These fins have special serrations that are believed to control water flow. Our engineers used this idea to design blades and a nozzle that are different from the usual.

Computer-Aided Design (CAD) has been used to shape the blades, while keeping their smooth characteristics. Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) has then be used for numerical predictions, conducting a careful study over different thrust ratios.

The streamlines from the blades’ crests suggested better flow behavior around the troughs.
This change in pressure and speed downstream of the propeller blades means an increase in thrust, leading to a substantial boost in propeller power. The nozzle has an asymmetrical design at the inlet and outlet, helping the boat move forward. Materials and surface conditions have been optimized to copy the low friction seen on whales in water, ensuring sliding performance.