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Boat Shows BlueNav 2024

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BlueNav Announces the Expansion of its Distribution Network

Navigation Intelligente - Smart Navigation

Navigation intelligente : BlueNav lance son nouveau système

After achieving significant success and growth, the company is broadening its horizons. It announces the launch of new Smart Navigation functions, including autopilot and cruise control.
Un groupe de personnes pose pour une photo à l’extérieur avec un plan d’eau et des voiliers en arrière-plan. Ils portent tous des chemises bleues assorties et semblent faire partie de la même équipe ou organisation. Le ciel est généralement dégagé avec quelques nuages. L'équipe Bluenav

Our team is growing

Today we're celebrating the fact that our team is growing! While 2024 is far from over, we're proud of how far we've come, and we're taking the time to tell you all about it. Since the beginning of the year, we've attended no fewer than 12 trade shows, and above all we've welcomed a host of new talents to our team, reaching 47 employees to date!
Propulsion hybride BlueSpin de BlueNav pour moteurs thermiques de bateaux

BlueNav Whale Design embodies the sophistication of nature’s influence

Inspired by the graceful dynamics of whales, our hydrodynamics engineers created a harmonious blend of biomimicry and sustainable innovation. It symbolizes our commitment to progress, sustainability, and a future where innovation is inspired by the wonders of the natural world.
BlueNav, énergie propre pour une navigation en parfaite harmonie avec la nature marine

BlueNav announces milestone

BlueNav, a company specializing in alternative propulsion solutions, is about to launch intelligent navigation functions, with automation and speed control capabilities. The main...